Digital business

- Connect the right people to the right information and resources, in-house, in the Cloud and to Hybrid Platforms
- Connect the right people to the right information and resources, in-house, in the Cloud and to Hybrid Platforms
It starts with creating the rulebook – defining who in your organization can access which resources. With Azure Active Directory Premium, which comes as a part of the Enterprise Mobility Suite, you get the tools to make access easier for those who should
Directory services and DNS:
Disruption of directory services can result in total outage of all IT services.
- Incessant calling
- No WiFi access
- No access to any computer resources
- Email and collaboration services are not working; helpdesk is flooded with calls
- When directory services are disrupted, not even IP phones work
- No self-service portal. Resulting in a swamped helpdesk.
- Directory services have not been examined or cleaned up for a very long time
- No redundancy or backup outside the data center
Cloudify can solve these fundamental access instances, by utilizing Microsoft Cloud Platform and Azure Directory services.
Have it and prevent access for those who shouldn’t have it. With single sign-on, you can give employees easy, consistent access to all of their SaaS apps, across PCs and devices using their same, consistent company credentials. They can just get to what they need.
At the same time, you can easily control who can access what, based on multiple levels of authentication. “Multi-factor authentication” (MFA) provides an important additional layer of security that goes beyond a single set of credentials by adding another factor—such as a PIN or a mobile phone—that is used to validate a person’s identity. This provides another way you can prevent your sensitive company information from getting into the
wrong hands. An added benefit is that by using employee’s mobile phones for multi-factor authentication, the cost incurred to set up and operate MFA drops significantly.
With Azure Active Directly Premium and Enterprise Mobility Suite, you can also restrict access based on certain criteria, for example, if someone is accessing a resource from a device or location that isn’t recognized, it can be automatically flagged to prevent access.
In addition to improved security, there are also cost benefits. For example, you can reduce the time and cost of IT helpdesk by providing employees with self-service functionality, such as enabling them to reset their own passwords and offering certain employees the ability to manage group access. This not only frees up time and money for IT to do more strategic work, but it also keeps employees more productive with fewer disruptions.